Robert Steinem Home

Robert Steinem's Resume


  • Semi-Finalist in the American Artists Professional League's 96th Grand National Exhibition
  • Finalist in the Artavita 66th National Contest
  • 1st Prize winner in Copley Society of Art's National Exhibition


  • Juried into The Copley Society of Art


  • Commissioned by Sight Savers of America for a painting in Birmingham AL
  • Won Juror's Choice in a National Show of Reflection paintings at Maryland Federation of Art, Annapolis MD
  • Juried into National Landscape show at Maryland Federation of Art, Annapolis MD


  • Juried into Corporate Connections show at Maryland Federation of Art, Annapolis MD


  • Three artist show at Three Stones Gallery, Concord MA
  • Exhibited in Non-Members Show at Guild of Boston Artists, Boston MA
  • Juried into Vermont Artisan Design


  • Two artist show at Three Stones Gallery, Concord MA
  • Exhibited in Non-Members Show at Guild of Boston Artists, Boston MA


  • Solo show at The Greenfield Gallery, Greenfield MA
  • Exhibited in Non-Members Show at Guild of Boston Artists, Boston MA


  • Group show at Fusion Galleries, Miami FL
  • Exhibited in New England Collective #7 at Galatea Fine Art, Boston MA
  • Exhibited in 13th Annual Blanche Ames National Art Exhibition, North Easton MA


  • Solo show at Galley North Star, Grafton VT


  • Two artist show at Hermitage Gallery, McLean VA
  • Juried into Oil Painters of America
  • Represented by Hermitage Design and Gallery, McLean VA


  • Exhibited in six artist show, All About Water, at Denise Bibro Fine Art, Chelsea NY
  • Exhibited in Non-Members Show at Guild of Boston Artists, Boston MA


  • Winner of Juror's Choice Award in, 12th Annual American Landscapes at Federation of Art, Annapolis MD
  • Exhibited in 2012 New England Biennial at the Brattleboro Museum, VT
  • Exhibited in National Small Painting Show, in Wichita KS


  • Group Show at Gallery North Star, Grafton VT
  • Group Show at Foxhall Gallery, Washington DC


  • Exhibited in Northeast Prize Show, Cambridge MA
  • Juried into Artful Home, Madison WI
  • Group Show at Gallery North Star. Grafton VT
  • Summer Showcase at Foxhall Gallery, Washington DC


  • Exhibited in 52nd Chautauqua Art Institute Annual Exhibition, Chautauqua, NY
  • Group Show at Gallery North Star, Grafton, VT


  • Group Show at Foxhall Gallery, Washington, D.C.
  • Exhibited in the Northeast Prize Show, Cambridge, MA


  • Represented by, Gallery 57, Pawley's Island, SC
  • Represented by, Gallery Piquel, New Hope, PA
  • 3 Artist Show in, Foxhall Gallery, Washington, D.C.


  • Juried into, International Guild of Realism
  • Represented by, Gallery North Star, Grafton VT
  • Represented by, Foxhall Gallery, Washington, DC


  • Painting selected by the Christopher Reeve Foundation for their 2005 calendar, with a print run of 3 million.
  • Painting juried into national group show in the Philadelphia Museum of Art.
  • One-man show in Row Gallery, Arlington, Virginia.
  • 5 paintings juried into Art On The Mountain, Wilmington, Vermont.
  • Painting juried into Looking For America, group show by Capitol Arts Network and State Art at Washington Gallery of Photography, Bethesda, Maryland.
  • Represented by Green Trees Gallery, Northfield, MA.


  • Seven Visions exhibition in Gutman Library at Harvard, Cambridge, MA
  • One-man show in Vivo, Washington, DC.
  • Commissioned for 2 paintings, Galileo Restaurant, Washington, DC.
  • Group show in Row Gallery, Arlington, VA.
  • 3 paintings selected by the National Cathedral's Museum Store to be sold as limited edition prints.
  • One-man show in Saveur, Washington, DC.


  • Solo exhibit in VSA arts, Boston Massachusetts.
  • Painting selected by VSA arts of Washington DC for 2003 calendar.


  • One-man show in R.Michelson Gallery, Amherst, Massachusetts.
  • Solo exhibit in West County Winery, Colrain, Massachusetts.
  • Mural commission, private residence, Washington, DC.
  • One-man show in The Art Bank, Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts.
  • Solo exhibit in The Green Emporium, Colrain, Massachusetts.


  • Pastels in The Framery, Greenfield, Massachusetts.
  • One-man show in Expressions Gallery, Greenfield, Massachusetts.


  • Paintings in The Must Stop Gallery, Colrain, Massachusetts.
  • Paintings featured in Kennedy Studio Gallery, Provincetown, Massachusetts.
  • Mini-show in R. Michelson Gallery, Northampton, Massachusetts.


  • One-man show at The Green Emporium, Colrain, Massachusetts.
  • Two-man show at Mill Street Gallery, Greenfield, Massachusetts.
  • Paintings in Peter Haven's Restaurant, Brattleboro, Vermont.

Detail from Bank Shot

"The paintings of Robert Steinem reveal the shimmering quality of the reflective magic of nature. The surface water of a canal inspires within him the pictorial possibilities that he translates poetically into the medium of paint, enabling the viewer to be transported into a state of reverie and mystery."

Walter Kamys
Professor Emeritus of Art
Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst

A few phrases from Steinem's work as a poet:

On the coming of fall: Autumn is a runaway freight train about to derail boxcars loaded with winter...

On the first stirrings of spring: Icicles, barring windows for months, played water music as they returned to earth...

On the horizon line: Open water near the vanishing point shares the air's colors and spreads north and south with the slow pulse of a large heart...

Art, Poetry and Music

Robert Steinem wrote a book of poems based on the paintings of A. Hale Johnson, a collaboration that produced a new and interesting level of the paired artworks with the written word. The resulting show traveled to three states, with music composed for the event performed with the show throughout Massachusetts. The Public Broadcasting System (PBS) of western Massachusetts has produced a series of short films about the combined works, which air in that local market.

» About Robert Steinem page one «

Robert Steinem
Pebble Hill Studio • 413-624-3709 (Mass.) • 202-237-7344 (Wash. D.C.) • Email